First RSPH/OPG PhD Writing Retreat

From 21 until 24 August 2023, the first RSPH/OPG Writing Retreat took place.
Five PhD candidates participated in this retreat in the Dominicanenklooster in Huissen.

They gave their retreat a good kick-start with a workshop on creating an effective writing process. The following days they immediately put the input from the workshop into practice and had some productive days. They started each day with a short discussion of their writing goals and evaluated their progress at the end of the day. Participants could join in on meals at set times and, if they wanted to, attend church services in the monastery. The Dominicanenklooster, with its calm and quiet ambiance, beautiful garden, and spacious library, formed a perfect place to work. We certainly hope that more editions of the RSPH/OPG Writing Retreat will follow in the future.