Author Archives: Margit Van der Steen

Promotie Kim Bootsma

Op 6 juni a.s. zal OPG promovendus Kim Bootsma haar proefschrift verdedigen aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. De titel van haar proefschrift luidt: ‘Van ‘redelijke discriminatie’ naar begrensde integratie. Het debat over vrouwen in de Nederlandse krijgsmacht (1968-1989)’.

Discussions on decoloniality and decolonial thinking: Workshop Report by Maha Ali

The two-day workshop titled “Working in an International Academic Community” which was Module 5 of the RSPH tutorials took place 23-24 February at the University of Antwerp, allowing PhD students to participate from Germany, Netherlands and Belgium. This wide-ranging, transnational, transdisciplinary, and cross-cultural nature of the workshop allowed for constructive discussions to take place over the course of the two days.

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