Category Archives: Training RSPH

News about education programmes of the research school political history

29 November 2024: Workshop ‘Data management and analysis for historical research in Nodegoat’

In this workshop, historians (in training) will learn to work with the research environment Nodegoat in order to store, organize, connect and analyse their own data in a relational database – with a special eye on how to use these skills in a political historical research project. Nodegoat is a web-based research environment especially developed for the humanities and used by an international research community. Nodegoat allows scholars to build their own datasets based on their own data model and offers relational modes of analysis with spatial and chronological forms of contextualization. This workshop is open to PhD’s and ReMa students. Register no later than 25 November 2024 at:

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Course Oral History – 21 February and 21 March 2025

Co-organized with Huizinga Institute for Cultural history.
This hands-on, interactive course for PhD candidates consists of 3 sessions (spread out over 2 course days). Besides practicing with preparing, conducting, and reflecting on an interview, participants discuss key theoretical notions on working with oral sources. This course is also open to RMA students. Register at:

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PhD Training Program 2024-2025

Check out our training program for PhD candidates for the new academic year (2024-2025). 

PhD Training program 2024-2025 brochure

Would you like to register for the RSPH as a PhD candidate? Please get in touch with the coordinator of your graduate school, fill out our RSPH Registration form PhD candidates and send it to: