In this full-day workshop, RMA students and PhD candidates will get acquainted with the possibilities of incorporating digitised audiovisual media sources in their research. The workshop will introduce the participants to media-historical approaches in political history, by reflecting on historiographical trends and experimenting with digital methods to study primary source materials. Registration before 7 March 2025 via:
Category Archives: Training RSPH
11 maart 2025: Promotie Lidewij Nissen
Op dinsdag 11 maart 2025, om 14.30 uur precies, verdedigt Lidewij Nissen haar proefschrift getiteld Powerful Partners. The Female Consorts of the Nassau Stadtholders in the Seventeenth-Century Dutch Republic in de Aula van de Radboud Universiteit.
Meet OPG-members: Jelle Lammerts van Bueren
We would like to introduce you to the members of our School and show the diversity of the themes that are studied within it. In every Newletter we give you a glimpse into one researchproject. This edition: PhD candidate Jelle Lammerts van Bueren (UU). Jelle is also a member of the PhD council.