
Season’s Greetings

Staff and Board of the RSPH wish you all Happy holidays and best wishes for the New Year! We look forward to meeting you again in 2025.
The RSPH/OPG office will be closed from 20 December to 6 January.


Op 9 december lanceerde het Huygens Instituut de website Deze website geeft historici en andere geïnteresseerden toegang tot de resoluties van de Staten-Generaal van de Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden. Iedereen kan nu de honderdduizenden besluiten van het hoogste bestuur van de Republiek in de zeventiende en achttiende eeuw digitaal doorzoeken.


Call for Papers APH Conference ‘How to dekolonize Political History’

12th International APH Conference, University of Antwerp, 18-20 June 2025
We welcome proposals both for individual papers and for full panels (3-5 papers). These panels can be dedicated to specific regions, periods and/or topics, or they can focus on conceptual or methodological challenges. Information: Marnix Beyen (UAntwerpen)


28 February 2025: Symposium Solidarity in Action

RSPH/OPG PhD candidate Thomas van Gaalen is one of the organizers of a symposium, entitled Solidarity in action: understanding political practices of solidarity in past and present. The event takes place in Nijmegen, 28 February 2025.



Training RSPH

14 January 2024: PhD defence Otto Linde

On January 14, 2025 Otto Linde will defend his dissertation: Normativity and the Abuse of Office in the Context of the Imperial Relations between the Netherlands and the Netherlands Indies, c. 1848–1904. The PhD defence will be held in the auditorium of the VU, De Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV Amsterdam at 11:45 AM. You are cordially invited.


The RSPH-OPG Newsletter December 2024 is out

In this newsletter you can read about the upcoming activities of the RSPH, the plans of the PhD Council, the launch of the website and much more. Read the Newsletter here.

Promovendiraad – PhD Council

De promovendiraad van de OPG wil een stem geven aan de promovendi van de OPG en een gemeenschapsgevoel onder de promovendi creëren. Daartoe zal de raad komend jaar, inmiddels versterkt met Jelle Lammerts van Bueren,  een aantal activiteiten organiseren.


Advanced research skills | Workshop Audiovisual media sources and digital methods

In this full-day workshop, RMA students and PhD candidates will get acquainted with the possibilities of incorporating digitised audiovisual media sources in their research. The workshop will introduce the participants to media-historical approaches in political history, by reflecting on historiographical trends and experimenting with digital methods to study primary source materials. Date: 28 March 2025. Registration:

