
Neues Centrum zur Erforschung von Imperien an der Universität Münster

Am Historischen Seminar der Universität Münster hat sich ein interdisziplinäres Centrum für postkoloniale Imperienforschung gegründet, das Centre for Empire Studies: (Post-)Colonial Histories and Global Entanglements (CES).


13 december 2024: Oratie Peter van Dam

Op vrijdag 13 december 2024 zal OPG-bestuurslid Peter van Dam, benoemd tot Hoogleraar Nederlandse geschiedenis in de Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen, het hoogleraarsambt openlijk aanvaarden door het uitspreken van een rede, getiteld: ‘Aarden in het verleden: Over het belang van Nederlandse geschiedenis in de klimaatcrisis’. Meer informatie.

Heineken Young Scientist Award for Lorena De Vita

PhD supervisor Lorena De Vita, Assistant Professor in the History of International Relations at Utrecht University, is the recipient of the Heineken Young Scientists Award in the Humanities, awarded by the Alfred Heineken Fondsen Foundation.

Read more:

De Historicidagen: een traditie om te koesteren

De Historicidagen zijn inmiddels een traditie zo merkte KNHG-voorzitter Henk te Velde op in zijn openingswoord. Voor mij was het de tweede editie. Opnieuw was het een inspirerend evenement. Al was de rolstoeltoegankelijkheid ditmaal een grotere uitdaging dan tijdens de vorige editie in Rotterdam.



Training RSPH

Impression of the excursion to Atria – 20 September 2024

The PhD Council of the RSPH organized a special and informative tour at Atria, the institute for women’s history in the center of Amsterdam, prior to the opening of the academic year on September 20. The morning began with a presentation on the history of Atria’s archives and current activities in collecting and research. Then there was the opportunity to explore some of the archival material yourself! Check out this small photo impression of an informative excursion.


PhD and RMA Training Program 2024-2025

Check our Training Program for PhD candidates and RMA students for the new academic year (2024-2025). This year the programs are combined in a handy brochure. Would you like to register for the RSPH as a PhD candidate or as an RMA student? Please contact the coordinator of your graduate school, complete our RSPH registration form for PhD candidates or the registration form for RMA students and send it to

New PhD candidates

This year, at least 15 new PhD candidates will start their training with the RSPH. A warm welcome to them all. A number of them learned more about their training during the opening of the academic year in September. Read more about the topics of their research.


29 November 2024: Workshop ‘Data management and analysis for historical research in Nodegoat’

In this workshop, historians (in training) will learn to work with the research environment Nodegoat in order to store, organize, connect and analyse their own data in a relational database – with a special eye on how to use these skills in a political historical research project. Nodegoat is a web-based research environment especially developed for the humanities and used by an international research community. Nodegoat allows scholars to build their own datasets based on their own data model and offers relational modes of analysis with spatial and chronological forms of contextualization. This workshop is open to PhD’s and ReMa students. Register before 15 November 2024 at:

