
Grote subsidie voor onderzoek naar crises

Welke culturele, sociaal-maatschappelijke en beleidsmatige capaciteiten zijn nodig om een crisis het hoofd te bieden? Een breed team van onderzoekers van vijf universiteiten gaat dit  de komende jaren onder de naam Adapt! onderzoeken.Een van de trekkers is OPG bestuurslid Beatrice de Graaf.


Vacancy: Assistant Professor of Heritage of Social Europe UvA

The Capacity Group of European Studies in the Department of History, European Studies, and Religious Studies invites applications for the position of Assistant Professor of Heritage of Social Europe.  We are looking for a scholar whose research combines approaches from political history and critical heritage studies, engaging with the enduring material and immaterial heritage as well as intangible heritage practices of Social Europe and its influence on contemporary political and social debates and policies.  Deadline: 12 May 2024


Posthumus Conference 2024: Regional History in a Global Context

Regional history has traditionally been in the periphery for many (although not all) social and economic historians. Despite Sidney Pollard’s claim that the British Industrial Revolution was a regional rather than a national phenomenon, economic historians have frequently tended to focus on the national level, while social historians often preferred to study local communities.


Brainstorm session OPG ‘Adding a fourth dimension’

We cordially invite you to the yearly OPG brainstorm on the topic ‘Adding a fourth dimension: Showcasing and self-awareness of historians of the political’, on Monday 15 April, 12.30-15.15 pm. Please, join us in discussing the viewpoints and the ways mentioned in the invitation to realize this fourth dimension of the platform of OPG.Registration via 
When registering, please indicate whether you:
1. are present at lunch, 2. have dietary requirements and 3. want to submit questions/discussion points.



Training RSPH

Promotie Kim Bootsma

Op 6 juni a.s. zal OPG promovendus Kim Bootsma haar proefschrift verdedigen aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. De titel van haar proefschrift luidt: ‘Van ‘redelijke discriminatie’ naar begrensde integratie. Het debat over vrouwen in de Nederlandse krijgsmacht (1968-1989)’.

Discussions on decoloniality and decolonial thinking: Workshop Report by Maha Ali

The two-day workshop titled “Working in an International Academic Community” which was Module 5 of the RSPH tutorials took place 23-24 February at the University of Antwerp, allowing PhD students to participate from Germany, Netherlands and Belgium. This wide-ranging, transnational, transdisciplinary, and cross-cultural nature of the workshop allowed for constructive discussions to take place over the course of the two days.


Gezocht! Promovendi- en docentleden voor Opleidingscommissie (OLC) Onderzoekschool Politieke Geschiedenis

(English below)
Net als elke academische opleiding, kent ook de Onderzoekschool Politieke Geschiedenis een opleidingscommissie (OLC). In deze commissie voeren vertegenwoordigers van de promovendi en de RMA’s samen met docenten en de onderwijscoördinator een open gesprek over de inhoud van het onderwijsaanbod van de OPG.


ApH Book lauch and discussion

Please join us for the APH’s online book launch, to mark the publication of Petitions and Petitioning in Europe and North America. From the Late Medieval Period to the Present edited by Richard Huzzey, Maartje Janse, Henry Miller, Joris Oddens, and Brodie Waddell. The book will be published by Oxford University Press for the British Academy in June. The event will include Prof. Laura Stewart (University of York) and Prof. Henk te Velde (Leiden University), in conversation with the book’s editors.

More information

