
The RSPH-OPG Newsletter February 2025 is out

This packed February Newsletter informs you about the change in the General Board of the RSPH, the departure of managing director Margit van der Steen and about the many activities that are planned in the near future. You can read it all here.

Margit van der Steen: transfer news 

After 14 years, her work as managing director of the Research School for Political History is ending. As of May 1, 2025, Margit will step down from her position to have time to write.


Call for Papers: Legitimate spying? Challenging or supporting intelligence services in Europe

We are pleased to invite you to submit a paper abstract for the workshop ‘Legitimate spying? Challenging or supporting intelligence services in Europe’ at Utrecht University, The Netherlands, on 3-4 November 2025. Abstracts should be submitted before Monday 17 March 2025 to Eleni Braat (


Henk te Velde resigned from the General Board of the RSPH

Henk te Velde, one of the founders of the Political History Research School, has resigned from the General Board of the RSPH. His significance for the development of the RSPH can hardly be overestimated. We particularly mention his efforts as an academic director of the school and his commitment to internationalization.



Training RSPH

28 March 2025: Advanced research skills | Workshop Audiovisual media sources and digital methods

In this full-day workshop, RMA students and PhD candidates will get acquainted with the possibilities of incorporating digitised audiovisual media sources in their research. The workshop will introduce the participants to media-historical approaches in political history, by reflecting on historiographical trends and experimenting with digital methods to study primary source materials. Registration before 7 March 2025 via:


23 mei 2025: Oratie Harm Kaal Radboud Universiteit

Harm Kaal, hoogleraar aan de Radboud Universiteit / Faculteit der Letteren met de leeropdracht Toegepaste geschiedenis, spreekt op vrijdag 23 mei 2025 om 15.45 uur precies een inaugurele rede uit, getiteld: ‘Hoe merk je aan mij dat ik een historicus ben?’
Meer informatie.

Meet OPG-members: Jelle Lammerts van Bueren

We would like to introduce you to the members of our School and show the diversity of the themes that are studied within it. In every Newletter we give you a glimpse into one researchproject. This edition: PhD candidate Jelle Lammerts van Bueren (UU). Jelle is also a member of the PhD council.


How to Decolonize Political History

The 12th Annual Conference of the Association for Political History

  • Date: Wednesday 18 till Friday 20 June 2025
  • Location: University of Antwerp – Conference center Grauwzusters 
