Since October, the OPG bureau is temporarily run by two new staff members: Lidewij Nissen and Pepijn Aarnink.
Lidewij Nissen temporarily fulfills the role of coordinator of OPG (during the absence of Managing Director Margit van der Steen) and is responsible for the general planning and practical organisation of OPG events and the internal organisation of the School. She works two days a week for OPG (Mondays and Thursdays or Fridays). During the rest of the working week, she is a PhD candidate at Radboud University.
Pepijn Aarnink is the bureau assistant and is responsible for answering practical emails from students and PhD candidates. He also helps to keep the School’s website and other (social) media channels up-to-date. He primarily works for OPG on Mondays. During the rest of the working week, he works as communications officer at KNHG/Royal Netherlands Historical Society and as the web editor of the website