After 14 years, her work as managing director of the Research School for Political History is ending. As of May 1, 2025, Margit will step down from her position to have time to write.
Since the foundation of the school, she has been committed to building and further developing the RSPH. From a modest network that organized workshops meetings for PhD candidates, the RSPH has grown over the past fourteen years into an organization that provides education for PhD candidates and RMA students in the Netherlands, Flanders and Münster. The school also functions as a platform for political historians and has taken the initiative to establish an international association. Since 2014, the RSPH managed the secretariat of the Association for Political History. The activities of the RSPH-OPG were recently positively assessed for the third time in an evaluation.
Margit van der Steen received grants from the LIRA fund and a fellowship from Atria, Centre of Expertise for Emancipation and Women’s History. This will enable her to work on a book about the first 250 women in Dutch politics (1917-1927). She will remain an affiliated researcher with the KNAW Huygens Institute for the History and Culture of the Netherlands.