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OPG Seminar Science Outreach and Communication
30 October 2020 @ 13:00 - 17:00
Instructors: Adriejan van Veen (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen) and Dirk Jan Wolffram (RU Groningen)
Date and Time: Friday, 30 October 2020, 1-5 PM. Online meeting
The seminars in year 3 are devoted to the individual application and assessment of disciplinarity and interdisciplinarity, theories and concepts, and methods and techniques as well as science communication and professional development.
This seminar is dedicated to the science outreach and communication – vis-à-vis both academia and the public at large – of the individual PhD-projects of the participants. Invited speakers from academia, publishing, and journalism will provide information and share experiences on publishing a PhD-thesis, presenting scientific results for a larger audience, and publishing in scientific journals.
Active participation in, and contribution to the organisation of a seminar is mandatory for 3rd year PhDs, attendance and participation is open for all PhDs and RMA-students. PhD-students attend at least 5 seminars in the course of their program.
Science communication and professional development.
Requirements and credits
- PhD-students attend at least 5 seminars in the course of their program. This participation is not rewarded with credits
- Report: students can write a 500 word report on the seminar, to be published on the website of the OPG. Writing a report is rewarded with 1 EC.
Participants need to register at bureau@onderzoekschoolpolitiekegeschiedenis.nl before 9 October. There is a limit of 15 participants; third year PhD-students have priority. After registering, you will receive a Zoom link.
- two versions of a one-page abstract of your thesis: one aiming at an audience of professionals, one for a broader public.
- a table of contents of your thesis.
Outline seminar
13:00-13.15 Introduction by Adriejan van Veen and Dirk Jan Wolffram
13.15-14.45 Publishing your thesis
The publisher: Anja van Leusden (Verloren, AUP): publishing your PhD-thesis (to be confirmed)
The author: Lauren Lauret (University of Leiden): publishing a commercial edition of your thesis
15.00-16.45 Outreach
Leonard Ornstein (journalist and professional publisher): presenting your thesis for a large audience
Dirk Jan Wolffram (editor in chief, BMGN/LCHR): publishing spin-off of your thesis in journals
16.45-17.00 Round up
Information: bureau@onderzoekschoolpolitiekegeschiedenis.nl