Research Seminar: Dreamworlds and Nightmares in Local and Global Politics

Date 14 February 2018
Locations University of Amsterdam, VOC Room, Bushuis, Kloveniersburgwal 48, Amsterdam.
Organization: Research School Political History OPG / Duitsland Instituut at the University of
Organization Research School Political History OPG / Duitsland Instituut at the University of Amsterdam

The Dutch Research School for Political History (OPG) and the ‘Duitsland Insitituut Amsterdam’
organize a joint event in which we present new perspectives on modern political history.  In the
morning, senior scholars will discuss the newest trends in historiography: How did the horizons of
recent historical research expand with respect to content, space and methodology? How does local,
transnational and global history relate to each other? Dirk van Laak argues that spaces are
becoming more and more liquid in historiography. Wim van Meurs will present a new history of the
European Union. In the afternoon, four PhD-students will present their work: Wouter Linmans,
Benjamin Hirschfeld, Arjan Nuijten and Heleen over de Linden. After all, you will have a good
overview of topical issues in political history today.

11.00-11.45           Keynote by Dirk van Laak, Liquid spaces and expanding horizons in modern German

11.45-12.15          Keynote by Wim van Meurs, How to write a European History today

12.15-13.15          Lunch

13.15-14.15          Wouter Linmans: The impact of the First World War experiences on the future visions of
war in the Netherlands
Discussants Marjet Brolsma and Wietse Stam

14.15-15.15         Benjamin Hirschfeld: Visionary engagement or academic nightmare? Cooperations of
European and American anthropologists with the military-intelligence complex since 1945.
Discussant are Anna Derksen and Ton Robben

15.15-15.30          Break

15.30-16.30          Arjan Nuijten, Amsterdam drug policy after 1945. Discussants are Timo Bonengel and
Hanco Jürgens

16.30-17.30        Heleen over de Linden on European Ukrainian relations Discussants are Niké Wentholt and
Wim van Meurs

17.30                    Drinks at Vlaams Cultuurhuis de Brakke Grond


Speakers and organization
Timo Bonengel M.A. is PhD candidate at the University of Erfurt. His research is on ‘Drogenkonsum
und öffentliche Gesundheid in den USA, 1969-1992’.

Dr. Marjet Brolsma is assistant professor European Studies at the University of Amsterdam.

Anna Derksen M.A. is PhD candidate at the University of Leiden. Her research is on the impact of
International Year of Disabled Persons (1981) at local, global and regional level.

Benjamin Hirschfeld is PhD candidate at the Duitsland Institute at the University of Amsterdam. His
thesis focusses on the cooperations of European and American anthropologists with the military-
intelligence complex since 1945.

Dr. Hanco Jürgens is a researcher at the Duitsland Instituut of the University of Amsterdam.

Prof. dr. Dirk van Laak is professor of modern German and European history at Leipzig University.

Mr. Heleen over de Linden is a lawyer and PhD candidate at Groningen University. Her research deals with European Ukrainin relations.

Wouter Linmans M.A. is PhD candidate at Leiden University. His thesis deals with the impact of WWI
experiences on the future visions of war in the Netherlands.

Prof. dr. Wim van Meurs is professor of European Political History at Radboud University Nijmegen.

Arjan Nuijten M.A. is PhD candidate at the University of Amsterdam. His thesis focusses on
Amsterdam drug policy after 1945.

Prof. dr. Ton Robben is professor of Anthropology at Utrecht University.

Wietse Stam M.A. is PhD candidate at Leiden University. His research is on UNTAC (UN peacekeeping operation Cambodia 1992-1993)

Dr. Margit van der Steen is coordinator of the National Research School Political History at
Huygens ING and assistant professor at Leiden University.

Niké Wentholt M.A. is PhD candidate at Groningen University. Her work is on transtional justice in
the Balkans.