Master class prof. dr. Anthony Bogues on the Radical Thought of Sylvia Wynter 

On 7 December, Prof. dr. Anthony Bogues (Brown University) will give a Master Class intended for PhD candidates and Research Master students on the radical thought of Sylvia Wynter. The Masterclass is organized by Prof. dr. Pepijn Brandon and the Graduate School of the Humanities, and will take place at the VU, from 14-17h in more »

Symposium Montesquieu Instituut & VNG ‘Om de lokale democratie’ (in Dutch)

(in Dutch) Op 9 december wordt de twintigste bundel van het Montesquieu Instituut, met als thema lokale democratie, gepresenteerd in de aula van de Vereniging voor Nederlandse Gemeenten en overhandigd aan VNG-voorzitter Jan van Zanen. Daarna zal een panel van auteurs en lokale politici in gesprek gaan over de conclusies uit de bundel. Voor meer more »

Congres Werkgroep De Moderne Tijd (in Dutch)

(in Dutch) Op vrijdag 9 december vindt het jaarcongres van De Moderne Tijd plaats over het thema ‘Oorlog op afstand. De Lage Landen tussen neutraliteit en betrokkenheid’. Het programma van deze dag vindt u in de bijlage. Programma Jaarcongres De Moderne Tijd 2022 'Oorlog op afstand' (vrijdag 9 december) Aanmelden kan tot 30 november 2021 more »

Philosophy of History and the Politics of Interpretation – Winter School VU Amsterdam

VU Amsterdam

Winter School at VU Amsterdam Language: English Duration: 5 days Credits: 3 ECTS This course discusses the politics of historical interpretation from the point of view of philosophy of history. Philosophers of history from Hegel to Ankersmit and White have argued that history is closely connected to politics. One reason is that history is concerned more »

Tutorial Methods and Techniques

Spinhuis, Oudezijds Achterburgwal 185, Amsterdam, room 2.18

Tutorial OPG 3 Methods and techniques 12 January 2023

Masterclass with Glenda Sluga and Benjamin Teitelbaum on Antiliberal internationalism

As part of the international conference ‘Antiliberal Internationalism in the (long) 20th Century: Beyond Left & Right?’, organised by the universities of Groningen and Amsterdam, we invite a selection of PhD students from the research school political history OPG to present their research projects related to the theme of antiliberal internationalism, broadly defined, and to discuss more »

17 January: Workshop ‘From the body politic to political bodies: power and disease in the early modern period’

Organised by: Kerrewin van Blanken (Huygens Institute) & Lidewij Nissen (Radboud University) in collaboration with Huizinga Institute & Research School for Political History (RSPH/OPG) Deadline for presentation proposals: 1 December 2022 Deadline for participation without a presentation: 8 December 2022 NB: This is a hybrid workshop. You can participate online or attend in person in more »

PhD Workshop Duitsland Instituut Amsterdam ‘New Histories of European Integration and Europeanisation’

Luca Forgiarini (University of Utrecht) and Mario Daniels (Duitsland Instituut, University of Amsterdam) organize, in cooperation with Martin Conway (Oxford University) and the DAAD, a PhD workshop on European Integration and Europeanisation. They welcome contributions that either illuminate some hitherto undocumented aspect of European integration (along EU lines) or address Europeanisation broadly understood. For more more »