International conference Subaltern political knowledges, ca. 1770- ca. 1950– call for papers

During the last decades, political historians have increasingly focused on the evolution of political consciousness among the “common people” during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In that process they have often made use of all-encompassing notions such as politicization, democratization and nationalization. These have in common that they suggest an increasing commitment of a growing more »

Conference Subaltern political knowledges, 18th – 20th centuries

FelixArchief Reception room and auditorium Oude Leeuwenrui 29 2000 Antwerp International conference University of Antwerp - Power in History. Center for Political History FelixArchief 18 - 20 October 2017 During the last decades, political historians have increasingly focused on the evolution of political consciousness among the “common people” during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In that process they have often made use of all-encompassing more »

CLARIAH workshop

Turfdraagsterpad 9, BG 1, Room 0.16 (eLab) The upcoming CREATE Digital History Workshop will take place on 19 October and focuses on the history of migration and professions using various tools created by CLARIAH (Common Lab Research Infrastructure for the Arts and the Humanities). Richard Zijdeman will demonstrate how historians can make use of linked data. Querying linked data remains a more »

Call for papers: International Conference “Thinking Sex after the Great War”

International Conference "Thinking Sex after the Great War" Deadline 15/12/2017 (Conference 17-18 October 2018, Brussels) The last few decades, the multifaceted relations between gender and the First World War have been explored in various historical studies. Historians have analysed the role of gender in the run-up to the outbreak of the war and in the war more »

Workshop on ‘Researching (Post)colonial Migration’

Bushuis/Oost-indisch Huis Kloveniersburgwal 48, room E1.02

With presentations by Peo Hansen (Linköping University), Olivier Esteves (Lille III University), and Johannes Paulmann (Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte, Mainz) On Friday, 19 January 2018, Peter van Dam and Liz Buettner of the Modern History Research Group at the University of Amsterdam invite you to a workshop on ‘Researching (Post)colonial Migration’ that features presentations by more »