Call for papers: International Conference “Thinking Sex after the Great War”

International Conference "Thinking Sex after the Great War" Deadline 15/12/2017 (Conference 17-18 October 2018, Brussels) The last few decades, the multifaceted relations between gender and the First World War have been explored in various historical studies. Historians have analysed the role of gender in the run-up to the outbreak of the war and in the war more »

Workshop on ‘Researching (Post)colonial Migration’

Bushuis/Oost-indisch Huis Kloveniersburgwal 48, room E1.02

With presentations by Peo Hansen (Linköping University), Olivier Esteves (Lille III University), and Johannes Paulmann (Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte, Mainz) On Friday, 19 January 2018, Peter van Dam and Liz Buettner of the Modern History Research Group at the University of Amsterdam invite you to a workshop on ‘Researching (Post)colonial Migration’ that features presentations by more »

Promotie Anne-Marie Mreijen

Op 9 februari 2018 hoopt Anne-Marie Mreijen op een proefschrift te promoveren getiteld De rode jonker. De eeuw van Marinus van der Goes van Naters (1900-2005). Promotor is prof. dr. Ido de Haan, de promotie vindt plaats aan de Universiteit Utrecht.  

Research Seminar: Dreamworlds and Nightmares in Local and Global Politics

Bushuis/Oost-indisch Huis Kloveniersburgwal 48, room E1.02

Date 14 February 2018 Locations University of Amsterdam, VOC Room, Bushuis, Kloveniersburgwal 48, Amsterdam. Organization: Research School Political History OPG / Duitsland Instituut at the University of Amsterdam Organization Research School Political History OPG / Duitsland Instituut at the University of Amsterdam The Dutch Research School for Political History (OPG) and the ‘Duitsland Insitituut Amsterdam’ more »

Master class with Philipp Ther on the history of neoliberal Europe

Utrecht University

Master class with Philipp Ther on the history of neoliberal Europe 15 February, 1.15-3PM at Utrecht University Sponsored by •    Market Makers. The History of Neoliberalism in the Netherlands ( •    Section for Political History, Utrecht University ( •    National research school for political history ( Convener: Ido de Haan, professor of political history (Utrecht more »

Oratie Prof. dr. Wim van Meurs

Prof. dr. Wim van Meurs houdt op 16 maart bij de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen zijn oratie, getiteld: Never mind the gap: comparison in political history.

Promotie Carla Hoetink

Aula Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen

Carla Hoetink zal op dinsdag 27 maart promoveren op het proefschrift Macht der gewoonte. Regels en rituelen in de Tweede Kamer na 1945.