Kick-off event: Recent Developments in Nationalism Studies: Who is the New Benedict Anderson?

Leiden University Nationalism Network Nationalism is on the rise. Nationalist politicians are in power in countries like Hungary, Russia, India, Philippines and Venezuela. With Brexit and the election of Donald Trump nationalism has also become a prominent ideology in the most important powers in the Western world. National identity and nation-building are  key  issues in more »

Masterclass and seminar on relationship between Europe and US

Dear colleagues, This is to remind you that you are all warmly invited to attend one or both events organized around the upcoming visit of dr. Karen Donfried to Utrecht University on 25 April. Karen Donfried is the President of the German Marshall Fund to the United States (GMFUS). Before assuming her role at the GMFUS, she was more »

Graduiertenkolleg Understanding Dutch Memory, Recent scholarship, debates and memorial initiatives in the Netherlands

VOC-zaal van het Bushuis, Kloveniersburgwal 48, Amsterdam

Beste collega’s, promovendi, studenten en geïnteresseerden, Graag nodigen we u uit voor het Graduiertenkolleg Understanding Dutch Memory, Recent scholarship, debates and memorial initiatives in the Netherlands dat op 26 april plaatsvindt in de VOC-zaal van het Bushuis, Kloveniersburgwal 48, Amsterdam van 9.30 tot 14.30 uur. Tijdens dit Graduiertenkolleg willen we de balans opmaken van de more »

Lecture: Human Rights and the Idea of Choice, by Professor Sophia Rosenfeld

Bushuis/OIH VOC-zaal

Lecture by Professor Sophia Rosenfeld as part of the Amsterdam Seminar Global Intellectual History series: Human Rights and the Idea of Choice In her lecture Professor Rosenfeld will consider the importance of the idea of choice for the development of the modern human rights movement.  The notion of freedom entailing the proliferation of both opportunities for more »

Workshop ‘Human Rights History after the Inequality Debate’

Utrecht, Drift 25, room 1.03.

You are warmly invited to attend the workshop 'Human Rights History after the Inequality Debate' Workshop with Samuel Moyn (Yale University) and Naomi Woltring (commentator). Samuel Moyn has written several books on European intellectual history and human rights history, including The Last Utopia: Human Rights in History (Harvard University Press, 2010), and edited or coedited a more »

Symposium: De toestand van het verleden. Visies op de historicus van morgen

Hoofdgebouw VU, zaal 03C02 (Agora 2)

De toestand van het verleden. Visies op de historicus van morgen Een historiografisch symposium ter gelegenheid van 100 jaar opleiding Geschiedenis aan de VU In 2018 bestaat de opleiding Geschiedenis aan de VU 100 jaar. Ter gelegenheid daarvan organiseert de opleiding op vrijdag 15 juni 2018 een historiografische symposium over het vak geschiedenis en zijn more »