Author Archives: Annejet Landman

Summerschool Research Masters RSPH, 2-5 July 2018

International History, 19th and 20 centuries

Date: July 2-5, 2018
Location: Maastricht University, Amsterdam
Credits: 5 ECTS (or, with additional tasks, 6 ECTS)
Fee: free of charge for research master students registered with the Research School Political History
Participants: This summer school is open to research master students and PhD candidates registered with the Research School Political History.

Registration: before 1 February 2018 (

See the program for more details


Training program PhD candidates Research School Political History: 1 January 2018 – 30 June 2018

Date Activity Location
29 January Tutorial 2 Research Strategies Groningen University
14 February Research seminar Dreamworlds and Nightmares University of Amsterdam
26 February Tutorial 3 Sources and Digital Humanities Huygens ING Amsterdam
4 April Tutorial 4 : Working in an international Academic Community Leiden University
18 April Research seminar Military History Breda, Defensie Academie
7-8 June Two-day research seminar Arnhem / Soeterbeeck
20-22 June 6th APH international PhD conference Paris

Research Seminar: Dreamworlds and Nightmares in Local and Global Politics

Date 14 February 2018
Locations University of Amsterdam, VOC Room, Bushuis, Kloveniersburgwal 48, Amsterdam.
Organization: Research School Political History OPG / Duitsland Instituut at the University of
Organization Research School Political History OPG / Duitsland Instituut at the University of Amsterdam

The Dutch Research School for Political History (OPG) and the ‘Duitsland Insitituut Amsterdam’
organize a joint event in which we present new perspectives on modern political history.  In the
morning, senior scholars will discuss the newest trends in historiography: How did the horizons of
recent historical research expand with respect to content, space and methodology? How does local,
transnational and global history relate to each other? Dirk van Laak argues that spaces are
becoming more and more liquid in historiography. Wim van Meurs will present a new history of the
European Union. In the afternoon, four PhD-students will present their work: Wouter Linmans,
Benjamin Hirschfeld, Arjan Nuijten and Heleen over de Linden. After all, you will have a good
overview of topical issues in political history today. Continue reading