Lecture Barbara Sollberg-Rilinger: King Frederick William I of Prussia and the History of Masculinity

On 31 March, Professor of Early Modern History Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster) will give the lecture ‘King Frederick William I of Prussia and the History of Masculinity: Challenges of Biographical Writing’. The suggestive power of retrospective rationalisation Frederick William I, king of Prussia (1713-1740), called himself a tyrant, and most of his contemporaries would have agreed. more »

Lecture Ilkay Yilmaz – Interimperial Diplomacy, Security and Administrative Reform in The Ottoman East

On the 3rd of April, the Security History Network hosts its third lecture in the SHN Lecture Series. In this lecture, dr. İlkay Yılmaz will speak about Interimperial Diplomacy, Security and Administrative Reform in The Ottoman East. Dr. Yılmaz is currently a DFG-funded research assistant at the Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut at the division of Modern History. studies. more »

Conference: Parliament contested? Rethinking the relationship between national politics, global crises, and pressure from below in the 1970s

The purpose of this conference is to reassess the role of national parliaments and national policy-making processes in the 1970s in light of the increasing global challenges and extra-parliamentary pressure that occurred. What can be seen as decisive turning points shaping the political history of the era? Were they the same in each country, or more »

Workshop ‘The Longue Durée Perspective’

11 April 2023, 13:30-17:30 (followed by drinks) Utrecht University, Kromme Nieuwegracht 80, Van Ravesteynzaal (1.06) Register here Abstract How do you do longue durée history? This workshop aims to bring together historians who apply a longue durée perspective in their research or are contemplating starting a longue durée project. It primarily focusses on the particularities more »

Merlijnlezing: Constantinopel en de Eerste Jihad, 633-718. Het overleven van een christelijk Europa in de zevende en achtste eeuw

Dr. Henk Singor spreekt op 3 mei over Constantinopel en de Eerste Jihad, 633-718. Het overleven van een christelijk Europa in de zevende en achtste eeuw. Deze lezing zal zowel op locatie als online bij te wonen zijn. In zijn lezing zal Henk Singor het vooral hebben over een aantal deelonderwerpen van zijn pas verschenen boek: - Een more »

4-mei lezing: In verzet

Waarom komen sommige mensen wel in verzet en andere niet? Met historicus prof. Ismee Tames (UU). Wanneer komen mensen in verzet? Welke rol spelen sociale netwerken, ideeën en vaardigheden hierin? En waarom zijn sommige verzetsbewegingen principieel geweldloos en andere juist niet? Historicus prof. Ismee Tames (UU & NIOD) doet onderzoek naar de ervaringen van mensen more »

Security History Network Lecture | Thomas Weber

You are invited to the next SHN Lecture, which will take place on May 8th. In this lecture, Prof. Thomas Weber will speak on Hitler’s quest for sustainable security. Thomas Weber is Professor of History and International Affairs as well as the founding Director of the Centre of Global Security and Governance at the University more »