4-mei lezing: In verzet

Waarom komen sommige mensen wel in verzet en andere niet? Met historicus prof. Ismee Tames (UU). Wanneer komen mensen in verzet? Welke rol spelen sociale netwerken, ideeën en vaardigheden hierin? En waarom zijn sommige verzetsbewegingen principieel geweldloos en andere juist niet? Historicus prof. Ismee Tames (UU & NIOD) doet onderzoek naar de ervaringen van mensen more »

Security History Network Lecture | Thomas Weber

You are invited to the next SHN Lecture, which will take place on May 8th. In this lecture, Prof. Thomas Weber will speak on Hitler’s quest for sustainable security. Thomas Weber is Professor of History and International Affairs as well as the founding Director of the Centre of Global Security and Governance at the University more »

International Symposium: The Dutch Colonies of Benevolence in international context

Exactly 200 years ago, the agricultural colony at Veenhuizen was first opened. Established as a social experiment to combat poverty, re-educate people, and transform wasteland into productive agricultural land, the Colony housed thousands of poor families, vagrants, orphans, widows, and criminals for decades. Because of their great cultural-historical importance, the Dutch and Flemish Colonies of more »

Lecture | Liberal Worldmaking and the Imaginative Geography of Sex Trafficking – Jeanne Morefield (Oxford)

Date and time: 9 May 2023, 16.00-17.30 Place: Utrecht, room: Drift 23, 0.12 No registration is needed, unless you want to participate online. In that case, send an e-mail to: info@globalintellectualhistory.org. Abstract Since the late 1990’s, global attention to the issue of human trafficking (particularly sex trafficking) has skyrocketed within international institutions and among fascist more »

Schuman lecture Maastricht University: Learning to learn from history

Until the Second World War, remembering the past in Europe only served to glorify the nation, stir up revanchism and sanctify heroes. After 1945, the trauma of war, totalitarianism, and the Holocaust gave rise to a new ambition: that of learning from history. But has this succeeded? A decade or two ago, that memory began more »

Lecture: Islam, Democracy and Development

Is Islam compatible with Western political and socioeconomic institutions? If yes, what explains the problems of authoritarianism and underdevelopment in many Muslim-majority countries? In this year’s acmes annual lecture, Ahmet Kuru will address these questions by referring to his award-winning book Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment: A Global and Historical Comparison (Cambridge University Press, 2019). In his lecture Ahmet more »

NIAS Talk: Dutch Colonies of Benevolence

Last year, the UNESCO World Heritage recognized the lasting cultural significance of the unfree ‘colony of benevolence’ at Veenhuizen (now home to the National Prison Museum). This round table brings together three leading researchers on domestic colonies to discuss the international significance of this colony, which opened its doors 200 years ago. This round table more »

Symposium: Die Niederlande, Deutschland und Europa in Zeiten des Abnehmenden Friedens

Am 15. Mai ist es genau 375 Jahre her, dass 1648 in Münster mit dem spanisch-niederländischen Friedensvertrag der erste Teil des Westfälischen Friedens geschlossen wurde. Seitdem gelten Münster und Westfalen als Symbol für den Versuch in einer Welt von Einzelstaaten dauerhaft Frieden zu schaffen. Aus diesem Grund organisiert das ZNS, in Kooperation mit der Stadt more »

Diversity of Belonging in Europe

Belonging – or not belonging – lies at the core of many of the recent ‘crises’ and ongoing processes of change that continue to shape as well as to shake up contemporary Europe. New forms of socio-spatial inclusion and exclusion have been both embraced and contested – and always (re)negotiated – as part of ongoing more »