Uitnodiging Master Class en lezing van Philipp Ther over de geschiedenis van neoliberaal Europa

Master class with Philipp Ther on the history of neoliberal Europe
15 February, 1.15-3PM at Utrecht University

Sponsored by
•    Market Makers. The History of Neoliberalism in the Netherlands (www.neoliberalisme.nl)
•    Section for Political History, Utrecht University (www.uu.nl/en/research/political-history)
•    National research school for political history (onderzoekschoolpolitiekegeschiedenis.nl)
Convener: Ido de Haan, professor of political history (Utrecht University)

Philipp Ther (1967) is one of the most prominent historians of contemporary Europe. After an education in history, sociology and political science at the universities of Regensburg, Munich and Georgetown, Ther received his PhD from the Freie Universität Berlin. He was a John F. Kennedy Fellow at the Center for European Studies of Harvard University before he held positions at the Europa- Universität Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) and the European University Institute in Florence. Since 2011, he is university professor for the history of Middle and Eastern Europe and of nation building at the Institute for Eastern-European History of the University of Vienna.

Ther is the author and editor of an impressive series of books, edited volumes and scholarly articles. He received critical acclaim for his work on issues of nationality, notably Deutsche und polnische Vertriebene: Gesellschaft und Vertriebenenpolitik in der SBZ/DDR und in Polen 1945–1956 (Göttingen 1998) and Die dunkle Seite der Nationalstaaten. „Ethnische Säuberungen“ im modernen Europa (Bonn 2013; English translation 2014). But he is also an expert on the cultural and social history of the opera, see among other works In der Mitte der Gesellschaft. Operntheater in Zentraleuropa 1815–1914 (Wien/München 2006, English translation 2014). His decisive claim to fame, confirmed by a very enthusiastic international reception as well as the 2015 Leipzig Book Fair Prize, is Die neue Ordnung auf dem alten Kontinent (Berlin 2014), which came out in an English translation as Europe since 1989. A History (Princeton 2016).

See for more information: Lecture

See for more information: Master Class